Friday, July 16, 2010

Last day (DAY 10) -Part 2 KPAS

In the afternoon, Mr. Azmir, Environmental Health Assistant Officer came and took our class. He did not give the lecture, instead, he gave us a practical- that is having health assessment in Hospital Sik.

3 of us, Dennis, Zheng Hao and me were briefed on the pointed to be asked and assessed the environmental health in the Hospital Sik. At 3pm, we departed to the Sik Hospital. We went the the Unit Pentadbiran to get the permission from Dr. Haji Sohhimi. 3 of us were divided to assess different place:
a. Dennis: Medical Male Patient Ward 1
b. Jun Sian: X ray lab
c. Zheng Hao: followed Mr. Azmir.

Details of the Environmental Health Asssessment Form:

Later on, we had a discussion regarding to the place that we had assessed. They had already done the assessment. We just compared our result with the result done by Mr. Azmir. About 4pm, the discussion was finished.
That is the end of the Sik DHO Posting. The first day first place we went to assembly was Hospital Sik. The last day last section also end in the Hospital. Is it so coincident?